ZPN || Diagnoses – TMJ
ZPN || Diagnoses – TMJ
I Thought I Was Pain Free For Life – Adam’s Pain Story
What shade of lipstick do you want for your back pain?
My segment on The American Dream TV Show sharing what you must know about pain and pain drugs
Kara: All right, welcome back to more of the American Dream. Again, we are talking to authors and people who you can learn from, and Adam Heller is certainly no different. He is a mind/body pain relief expert. Did I get that right? Adam: You got it perfectly. Kara: I love that. And this topic is something that not a lot of people, I think,
Are You Going To Blow Your Opportunity?
rage Rage RAge RAGe RAGE!!
“I had already purchased the gun I would use to end it.”
Since I spend every day helping people end their chronic pain I know (and you probably do too) how devastating pain is. In addition to the searing pain you feel, there are all the other life limitations that greatly reduce your happiness and your ability to be like everyone else with a full life. Either you’re in pain or you know people in pain that
Ode to Dr. Sarno
“You say goodbye and I say hello.” – John Lennon/Paul McCartney I’ve received dozens of phone calls, emails and texts asking me to comment on the passing of John Sarno. John Sarno is the person that first uncovered the psychological cause of most chronic pain. After witnessing that the traditional pain management paradigm was woefully inadequate, he began researching the actual cause of subacute and
Herniated Discs – Why Patients With Zero Pain Have Them
Herniated disc, does it cause pain? Does it not cause pain? It's certainly one the most common diagnoses for back pain, lower back pain, upper back pain. And it's one of the primary reasons people have back surgeries. Also that people are prescribed pain medications and drugs. So the question is, do herniated discs really cause pain? There are certainly some arguments going on about
Bulging Disc – The Myth
Bulging disc - One of the most common diagnoses for low back pain. There's a big argument going on in both the medical and non-medical community as to whether or not bulging discs have anything, anything at all, to do with pain. There are traditional treatments - surgical treatments that are often recommended and often used to either lessen temporarily, or sometimes permanently, pain associated
Fibromyalgia – The Lies
Hi, I'm Adam Heller. Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is devastating to people that are diagnosed and suffer with it. The information about fibromyalgia is really all over the place. There are opinions, after opinions, after opinions. And unfortunately most of the time, the end result is people are told that it's chronic and they're administered and prescribed some pretty dangerous medications. It is limiting and it's devastating
Spinal Stenosis – Probably Not The Cause
It's almost impossible for Spinal Stenosis to cause pain. Why?... Spinal stenosis, a very common diagnosis for back pain. The question is, does spinal stenosis actually cause back pain or is spinal stenosis just there and you have back pain? There are certainly some arguments going on in the medical community, in the non-medical community, and certainly in the pain relief community because there have
Back Pain – What You Need To Know
So much advice about your back pain and almost none is accurate. Here's what you must... Hi. I'm Adam Heller and welcome to the video. Back pain. 118 million in the United States alone suffer what they call chronic pain and 70% of that is attributed to back pain, most of it lower back pain. It's epidemic. It's treated in a variety of ways: surgically,
Welcome to Video 09 in our Chief Medical Consultant Dr. Mike’s 10 Part Pain Free Series
You can be a Zero Pain Now Master Coach Just like Dr. Mike... What I call chronic stress illness. When I say Chronic Stress Illness I'm referring to any type of chronic physical symptom or physical syndrome where it turns out that the physical symptoms are actually being caused by stress, tension or uncomfortable emotions. These things might respond to the Zero Pain Now program
Chronic Pain – Can You Get Better?
Do you believe your pain is chronic? A pilot at the Mayo Clinic may convince you otherwise... Well, typically acute pain is defined as pain for six weeks or less. And then sub-acute or chronic pain is actually six weeks or more.So let me make it really simple for you.If you break your foot, it hurts, but six weeks later it's healed. The largest bone
Welcome to Video 08 in our Chief Medical Consultant Dr. Mike’s 10 Part Pain Free Series
Zero Pain Now, it takes Dr. Sarno's work to the next level. If Dr. Sarno's work is like the work of the Wright Brothers, inventing the first plane, Adam Heller's Zero Pain Now is like the space shuttle. It's a form of flight, but it goes so far beyond the original concepts. The reason for this is even though Adam Heller is not a physician,
Welcome to Video 07 in Our Chief Medical Consultant Dr. Mike’s 10 Part Pain Free Series
What is neural linguistic programming? Neural linguistic programming, I'll say NLP from now on because it's a lot easier. It's basically very advanced psychological techniques that don't involve years of therapy, they don't involve drudging up the past or spending hours and hours analyzing your childhood. Basically they look at your mind and how it's functioning now, and basically determine what would be the best
Welcome to Video 06 in Our Chief Medical Consultant Dr. Mike’s 10 Part Pain Free Series
In this video, I'm just going to go over some of the specifics so you'll know if the type of pain syndrome you have is one that most likely can be eliminated quickly and easily. Keep in mind that when I say chronic pain, I refer to six weeks or longer. Because if you've had pain for less than six weeks, it's very possible that
Welcome to Video 05 in Our Chief Medical Consultant Dr. Mike’s 10 Part Pain Free Series
When we have these buried uncomfortable emotions like anger, fear, sadness, rage they're the main cause of the physical pain when you have a psychophysical disorder. All you have to do to eliminate the physical pain is to un-bury or un-repress the emotions. It's the emotional repression that leads to the pain. So to get freedom from the pain all you have to do is
Welcome to Video 04 in our Chief Medical Consultant Dr. Mike’s 10 Part Pain Free Series
Most types of chronic back pain, I'm guess here but maybe 95% of cases of chronic physical pain, the true cause of the pain is not physical. It's not something structural of physically wrong with the body. It's actually emotional. It's stress, tension and buried emotions which lead to changes in the brain the way it's functioning and that leads to physical changes in the
Welcome to Video 03 in our Chief Medical Consultant Dr. Mike’s 10 Part Pain Free Series
Welcome to Video 02 in our Chief Medical Consultant Dr. Mike’s 10 Part Pain Free Series
Welcome to video 01 in our Chief Medical Consultant Dr. Mike’s 10 part pain free series
Your tears and your back pain have the same cause
What’s Your Mt. Everest ?
What's the one thing that if you do it, you'll be at the top of the world? I remember one time I was sitting with another expert in a hotel in England. I was telling him about this fear that I had, and I'd been really working hard on it. It was about 80% gone. He looks at me, and he goes in his British
If your doctor told you to jump off a cliff, would you?
Meet Jen. You couldn’t possibly have it as bad as her. If she can enjoy freedom then you certainly can…
Ask Adam Episode 15 – How Do You Find What’s Causing Your Pain?
The Number 1 Cause Of Premature Aging Is Chronic Pain
Whew 2016 Is Finally Over!
2016, whew, it's over. I've heard so many people say that in the last few days. And I've seen so many posts on social media - "Oh, 2016 sucked, I hope 2017's gonna be better." I had the same year as you in 2016. I went through the elections, all the people dying, all those things; And I had a fantastic year! How did I
Death from opioids and pain drugs has tripled
Who are these opioid users?
Is it your doctor or pharmacist that’s more responsible for sending your to the emergency room? It doesn’t matter because..
Will your pain management kill you? Ask the families of those that are dead because…
Must I Keep A Pain Journal?
Welcome to the Ask Adam Episodes. Today's question: Should I keep a pain journal? The answer is absolutely not. Often doctors and chiropractors and physical therapists tell people to keep pain journals. The more you focus your attention on your pain, the greater your pain. Because what neuroscience has proven over the last 10, 20, 30 years is that the cause of chronic pain actually
Is Getting Pain Free Only For The Wealthy?
Two minutes and you'll know at the end with virtual certainty, 97%, whether or not you can get better and then you can choose the program that's best for you. I've got a whole team here to support you. I've helped a lot of people get better. Our dream is 10 million people pain free and in order to make that happen, we need to
The First Thing You Need To Know About Pain Management Guidelines is…
Pain Management Guidelines. What am I supposed to do? First is you absolutely must... The truth is we just finished a pilot at Mayo Clinic. Every single person - 100% that they sent that was written up, got pain free and had their cases closed in 28 days or less. There's hope for you that you probably didn't know you had. Okay, what do you
Would you let your mom take pain medicine?
1 Mandatory Fact About Pinched Nerve That Will Free You Forever. Because…
If You Think Your Pain Is Chronic – I’ll Bet You…
Chiropractors – The Real Truth. If you’ve ever even considered going to a chiropractor you need to know
Argh!! There is so much wrong with Spinal Stenosis – The Incomplete Diagnosis. Because..
Sciatica – 1 Absolute Must To Know About The Cause And The Solution
What Are You Not Thankful For?
This is not your typical thanksgiving video. Because what people are going to be asking you today is what you are thankful for. And I'm a huge fan of gratitude. But here's the problem - often we use gratitude and thankfulness to cover up what's really going on. And in essence that ends up keeping us stuck in the same place. So I'm going to
John Oliver
Ask Adam Episode 13. How Do I keep Pain From Starting
Have you set a deadline?
Where in your life do not have the results you want? Is it in your career? Is it in your emotional pain? Is it in your physical pain? Why is it you're not getting the results that you want? And have you set a deadline? How long have you been doing the same thing over and over again? Maybe better. Maybe trying to refine it.
What do you want – The Long Way or The Short Way?
Fibromyalgia is not chronic is complete
1 simple way to eliminate anxiety forever
Election day Anxiety. Ahhhh!!! If he wins the world's going to come to an end. If she wins the world's going to come to an end. So much anxiety. Almost everybody that I speak to is carrying around this anxiety. And the stress and the tension that comes with that. And almost nobody is happy. Anxiety, anxiety. So, what is anxiety? Anxiety is nothing more
Who’s Driving Your Bus?
Who's driving your bus? What I mean by that is, are you making your own decisions because they’re best for you? And they’re in line with your values, and your beliefs, and your judgements, and your model of the world. Or you're making decisions because other people think it would be best for you. Or it fits other people's expectations of you. Or their
Nobody Can Stop You
You Vs. Me
Check Yourself At The Door
I've had to do that on more than one occasion. What I mean check yourself at the door, I mean when you want to do something really big, it's not uncommon that fears and self talk and all those other things come to your head. And yes I am driving by the way with my hands in the air - on the freeway. They come
A Thought Without Belief Can’t Hurt You
A thought without a belief has no power, but a thought with a belief can create so much pain in your life. I speak to people all the time. A thought that a bulging disc or herniated disc or spinal stenosis or depression or your parents or your kids or your job can cause you pain is just a thought. But once that becomes a
Distraction and Diarrhea
Distraction and Diarrhea. Probably not two words that you hear in the same sentence very often. But there's really an interesting story that will help you overcome some distractions. So, the difference between you having the pain free life that you want, whatever that is. More success. Less pain. More money. Less weight. Whatever it is, is almost always distraction. You hear about focus. But
NY Times Report On The Extreme Dangers Of Pain Drugs
Your Surgery Decision Is At Best Whimsical
Pharma CEO: We’re in the business of shareholder profits. Not..
John Wooden said – Make Every Day Your Masterpiece
Ask Adam Episode 12 – Care!
Hey it's Adam. All the time people are asking me what's the best way to have success? How do I have success? What do I need to do to have success? Four letters - CARE. Care. Because the more you care about what you do, the more you're going to be willing to roll up your sleeves and do the hard work. And your clients,
They Say You Want The Pill
Are You Really Going To Risk Heart Failure?
Hi it's Adam. Are you willing to risk heart failure for your pain medications? Even ibuprofen? Let's see what time magazine has to say now... Okay, so now you have the facts. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to risk, heart failure? Increased chance of heart failure for your pain medications, or would you rather get rid of your pain
I Got The Call From Mom
How Do You Hold Yourself Back?
Ask Adam Episode 11 – Adam, Can I Trust My Dr. To Get You Pain Free?
Hey it's Adam. Welcome to the video. Can you trust your doctor to get you pain free? A couple of weeks ago I was referred to a prominent doctor from somebody that knows me well. And I sent him a note. And I sent him a copy of a Mayo Clinic Pilot that every single person they sent: Bulging disc, Herniated disc, Spinal stenosis, Fibromyalgia
Were You Given A Painful Life or A Pain Free Life?
Science Is True Whether Or Not You Believe It
Hi it's Adam. Science is true whether or not you believe it. Two out of three people that have never had back pain have bulging discs or herniated discs. That's been replicated over and over again and published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Science is true whether or not you believe it. How badly do you want to get pain free? Willing enough
Experts Say You Don’t Want To End Your Pain
Ask Adam Episode 10. Adam, How Do I Get My Pain To Stop Moving?
Hi its adam. The question this week: How do I get my pain to stop moving? The answer is simple, eliminate it once and for all. One hundred percent of the people in a Mayo Clinic Pilot ended their pain. Bulging disc. Herniated disc. Spinal stenosis. Fibromyalgia. Degenerative disc disease. Sciatica. Tension and migraine headaches. How badly do you want to have stop the pain
I Ran 8.5 Miles Today
Hi it's Adam. “I ran eight and a half miles this morning and that's something that could never happen six months ago.” No not me! That's an email I received from an employee at the Mayo clinic who was referred by the Mayo Clinic after having been been diagnosed with spinal stenosis and spending thirteen years on the sidelines. In three weeks she was completely
How Much Pain Are You Willing To Take?
Missed Opportunities Create So Much Pain
National Heroin and Opioid Awareness Week
What do you do when you get punched in the face?
Hey it's Adam. Mike Tyson used to have a saying, "Everybody has a plan until you get punched in the face.” And we all get punched in the face. Life is not easy. We get punched in the face in awful lot. So the question is how do you respond when you get punched in the face? Not why do you do things, but how
Rob Lowe Is a….
Are You Playing Checkers When You Should Be Playing Chess?
. Hey it's Adam. Welcome to the video. Are you playing checkers when you should be playing chess? Are you playing checkers when you should be playing chess? Are you really taking what you want seriously? Checkers is a game for fun played by kids. Chess takes planning and implementing, and thinking and making changes. Subtle changes as things change on the other side of
Anger is a 2 step process
Hey it's Adam. Welcome to the video. Anger is a two-step process. People come to me and they say I want to get over my anger, I want to get over my anger. And they think that something happens and then automatically there's anger. But anger is really a two-step process. Anger always begins with a hurt. Something happens where you feel hurt
I Don’t Have Enough Money
Hey it's Adam. Welcome to the video. I don't have enough money. I do not have enough money. I don't have enough money for that. I don't have enough money for that. I don't have enough money and it's distant cousin I don't enough time are the two biggest excuses that produce pain in people's lives. And that’s emotional pain and that's physical pain. And
What are you doing about it?
I don’t have enough time
Hi It's Adam. I don't have enough time. I don't have enough time. And it's close cousin, I'm way too busy. I don't have enough time is the excuse that produces more pain - emotional and physical pain, than any other excuse on the books. And I get it, it's 5:00 am Sunday morning. I'm making this video for you. Why am I doing that?
How Much Pain Is Too Much Pain?
Dangerous Pills At The US Open
Charlize Theron – Herniated Disc, Or Not?
Ask Adam 8: Adam, Why Haven’t I Heard About This?
Hey it's Adam. Welcome to the ask Adam episodes. One of the questions I get all the time is: Adam, if this is so good why have I not heard about it from my doctor? Why have I not heard about it someplace else? Now there's normally a little sarcasm in that question. What they're trying to say is - Hey if this is so
Steve Kerr Probably Didn’t Need Surgery
Hi it's Adam. Steve Kerr is the classic example of where stress, tension, emotional pain and physical pain meet. If you don’t know Steve Kerr he's the Head Coach of the Golden State Warriors, perhaps the best team in the history of basketball. However Steve Kerr has a lifetime of emotional stress, tension, starting back in his college days when his father was assassinated -
Paula Abdul’s Plane Crash Pain
Jeff Bridges Back Is Lying To Him
Hey it's Adam. Jeff Bridges writes “my back lets me know when it's pissed at me and when it is, it makes life more challenging. But here's the thing that Jeff Bridges doesn't really know is it's really the reverse. When life gets more challenging your back gets pissed at you. Because 30 years of research has revealed that the back pain, neck pain, shoulder
The Most Dangerous Cosmetics
Does Donald Trump Have Values?
Hey it's Adam. Does Donald Trump have values? Well the answer is absolutely yes and we're not talking politics right now. But people often question me - Donald Trump the behavior, how, why, what's going on with this guy? And when you understand values it's much easier to understand Donald Trump's behavior. So values are what's important to you. What's important to you? It's really
Ben Affleck’s Migraine
Hey it's Adam. Migraines. Tension headaches. Disastrous. They upset your life. They come out of no place and they slam you like a freight train. It's reported that Ben Affleck is a regular migraine sufferer. Migraines are debilitating. The great news I've helped hundreds of people eliminate migraines. One of my favorite stories is that I got a call one day from one of the
Ask Adam Episode 7 – How do I get over depression?
Hi it's Adam. Welcome the ask Adam episodes. The question this week: How do I get over depression? Well the answer for how to get over depression is rather simple and I've helped many, many, many people do it rather quickly. The same answer is how do I get - depression is sadness. How do I get over Sadness? How do I get over anger?
The Surgeon General Has It Wrong
George Clooney Shouldn’t Have Pain
Hey it's Adam. George Clooney suffers chronic pain. It's the great equalizer. Chronic pain doesn't care if you're a celebrity or if you're a regular person like you and me. But the interesting thing is he's been suffering his chronic pain since being injured while filming in 2005. And here's the thing, your body heals. Everybody that's ever come to me to have a pain
Fibromyalgia – The Great Equalizer
Bulging Disc Vs Herniated Disc
Easy For Oprah? – Think Again
Hey it's Adam. How about wildly successful people that had to overcome huge obstacles to have their success. We all fail. We all have obstacles in our life. How about Oprah? We all know Oprah. We all know Oprah. Did you know that she gave birth to a child at 14 that died? That is devastating. What did she do? Did she crawl up on
Your Pain Diagnosis Is Wrong!
Hey it's Adam. If you've been given a diagnosis for chronic pain there's a 97% chance your diagnosis is absolutely wrong or at least seriously incomplete. Bulging Disc, Herniated Disc, Spinal stenosis, Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Whiplash, Tendonitis, Torn Rotator Cuff. If you're given any of those diagnosis there's a 97% chance that those diagnoses are wrong. Now, people come into my office at Zero Pain Now
Ask Adam Episode 6 – I’ve Tried Everything To End My Pain
Hey it's Adam. The question from the website this week. If I've tried everything else to get rid of my pain why Zero Pain Now going to work? And I wish I had a nickel for every time I've answered that question. Because Zero Pain Now is pretty much the last resort for just about everybody. And the reason it’s the last resort is it
No Jay Z
Hi it's Adam. What do you do when the world says no to you? What do you when obstacles come up? When people put roadblocks in your way? When everything you try fails? What do you do? Jay Z is the perfect example. Jay Z went from studio to studio. To company to company nobody would sign him. Obviously a super talented musician but nobody
How Ryan Lochte was the idiot of the week?
Hey it's Adam. I’ve been thinking a lot about Ryan Lochte this week. He's an olympic champion. He obviously has done some really incredible things and he's the idiot of the week this week. As you probably know he bashed in a gas station restroom in Brazil and he lied about it. He's probably lost from reports 10-15 million dollars in advertisements and he's the
Stephen King Knows Recovery
Hey it's Adam. Thanks for coming to the video. Recovery strategy. Everybody with success has to have some great recovery strategy. Stephen King - Stephen King's first novel was rejected by 30 publishers. Stephen King has sold 350 million novels. So how was it every knocking on the doors, knocking on the doors, rejection, rejection, rejection? What was it he did inside his head that
Can You Overcome Like Richard Branson?
Hi it's Adam. Overcoming obstacles. Richard Branson the most famous Virgin on the planet. Virgin Airlines that is. He created it. He's a huge success. He didn't start out that way. Richard Branson sucked in school. He didn't do well. He didn't do well on tests. It appeared that he wasn't very smart. And he didn't do well in all the standard operating procedures. Maybe
Michael Phelps Gets Back At Teacher
Hey it's Adam. Michael Phelps - in the news a lot this week. Greatest probably Olympian ever. Certainly the greatest swimmer. Gold medal after gold medal after gold medal after gold medal. And what you may not know about Michael Phelps is when he was in 5th grade a teacher came to him and told him he wasn't going to be successful. And he really
What Do You Want From Life?
Hi it's Adam. What do you want from life? What do you really want from life? Now I know that I want to help 10 million people have the pain free life - whether emotional pain or physical pain with the Zero Pain Now process or Rapid Life Change. I know that's what I want. What do you want for your life? Because when you
Ask Adam Episode 5: How do I get to my emotions?
Hey it's Adam. Welcome to the ask Adam episodes. Question from the website this week. How do I get to my emotions to end my pain? And the simple answer is to focus on your emotions. The problem is often there's distractions and pain being the biggest distraction to keep you from focusing on your emotions. Because when your back hurts, or your neck or
Bill Gates Is A Failure
There's physical pain and there's emotional pain. And having a pain free life isn't always easy. You know Bill Gates as being the wealthiest guy in the world. The guy that created Microsoft. But the thing is his first business with his partner Paul Allen called Traf-O-Data failed miserably. They tried. They tried but it failed they were down and out. So what did they
How do I get a pain free life?
Walking Wounded, Is That You?
Where In Your Life Are You A Victim?
Hey it's Adam. Where in your life are you a victim? Where in your life are you being the victim and what is it really costing you? This week I've been just ravaged in Social Media with people calling me all kinds of names because I made a video about Fibromyalgia. And all these people didn't believe that there's any way that they can end
The Meaning Of Communication Is The Way It’s Received
Hi it's Adam. The meaning of communication is the way it's received. Now we all know that communication problems are the biggest problem in many relationships. It doesn't have to be a husband and wife, a boyfriend and girlfriend, parents and kids, friends. Communications are everything and I screw up. I know this stuff and I still screw up. So I'm President of my Rotary
I’m A Dumb Ass!
Hi it's Adam and apparently I'm a dumb ass just trying to swindle people out of money. That's one of the latest comments that I've received in my Facebook post. Now, I just had a video on Fibromyalgia where I said fibromyalgia isn't a real thing. That was the title. Now I went on to stay how much pain and how people were treated and
Episode 4 – How Do I Stop Procastinating?
Hi it's Adam. Welcome to the Ask Adam episodes. Here's something that probably you suffer from something that people ask me about almost every day. Adam, I'm always procrastinating have never get down what I want to get down like procrastinate, procrastinate, how do I get over my procrastination? Well, procrastination isn't the problem your procrastination is a result of the problem and the problem
What are you afraid of and what’s your cost?
Hi it's Adam. What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? Every day I face people with tremendous fears that are keeping them from having the wonderful things they want in their life. If you've watched my videos in the past you’ve probably heard me talk about helping people have pain free lives. And having a Mayo Clinic pilot where every single person
New York Times – Useless Back Surgery
Science is True Whether or not You Believe It
Hey it's Adam coming to you from Laguna Beach today. You know science is true whether or not you believe it. So every day I tell people about The Zero Pain Now Process and I tell them about the results and people just don't want to believe it, even though I give them empirical data from the Mayo Clinic. What's really going on and how
Do What You Love And You’ll Be Successful – Nope!
Hey it's Adam coming to you from Beverly Hills today. I've heard advice almost my whole life: “Find something you like to do and you'll be successful.” Truth is, that's not the truth. Find something you like to do and you may be happy but it doesn't mean that you'll be successful. I love taking naps. Oh hoo man! I love taking a great nap!
Ask Adam Episode 03 : How Do I have Big Success?
Hey it's Adam. Welcome to the Ask Adam Episodes. Today we're going to talk about something about success, your success and how you can have success. Because the question that I often get, I got again this week is, Adam how do I have success? You have success, how do I have success? I've got to tell you this, success could be hard. Obviously, it's
Herniated Disc and The Real Truth
How You Mean Is How You Live
Hi it’s Adam and welcome to the video. There are 2 kinds of pain, there’s physical pain - back, neck shoulder pain. There’s also emotional pain. And there’s a great connection between the two. Emotional pain, stress, and tension actually causes physical pain. Physical pain makes emotional pain worse then there’s this negative spiral. So, one of the best methods for eliminating emotional pain is
The Fibromyalgia Basket
Yay It’s Monday!
Every Monday I hear people complaining. I love Monday! Hear's why... Hey it's Adam. It's another Monday morning. People are always complaining about Monday mornings. Argh! I hate Monday. The job! I hate this stuff. Here's the really interesting fact: you're not 1 of the 151,000 people that died yesterday. And probably neither did your spouse, your kids, your parents or anybody really close to
The Spinal Stenosis Flaw
What’s the difference between emotional pain and physical pain?
The Bulging Disc That Didn’t Cause Pain
How Can I Be Happy Like You?
Adam, How Can I Be Happy Like You? Studies have shown that 3 things are necessary for your happiness. AND scientific studies have proven that when you're happy you are more likely to have better health, better relationships and make more money. AND people that feel good make good choices so how about learning how to feel good for no good reason!
Will Meditation Help Me Eliminate My Pain?
How to keep people from keeping you down?
Ask Adam Episodes – Episode 1 – Who The Heck Is Adam?
Every day I receive great questions from people about how to eliminate emotional pain, how to eliminate psychological pain, how to eliminate physical pain and how to solve problems and have a great life, So I decided to launch the Ask Adam Episodes so that you can have great ways to get the success that you want. Here’s the first episode - enjoy.
Who Are You Going To Be?
What’s the Secret to Success?
How to get over fear?
What does it take to make me insanely furious?
We’re spending millions on back pain claims. Is there anything I can do?
Lost productivity from pain costs US companies a staggering 294 Billion Dollars Every Year. $294,000,000,000.00 every year! There are a number of reasons that the cost is so high but the primary reason is that employees are dropped in an old-fashioned medical model that has no idea what really causes the pain. Once the pain management starts is goes and goes and goes. The cases
Is Fibromyalgia all in my head?
That was the subject line of an email that I received from a woman this morning regarding Fibromyalgia. I hear that question all the time. After suffering pain, fatigue, brain fog and other common fibromyalgia symptoms, it’s not uncommon for people (even family) to stop believing that there really is anything wrong with you. And to make matters more difficult to understand, the drugs
Why Doesn’t Pain Management Work Better?
I was having a conversation with some marketing experts when the subject turned to back pain. It seems he has been suffering for almost 10 years and unfortunately that comes with being dropped into the world of pain management. Of course he’s seen the doctors, surgeons, chiropractors, physical therapists and many of the alternative approaches. He also boasts a 6 pack stomach from all the